Well now that it has been over two months since our last post I wanted to let you all know that we are planning on bringing our blog back. With school + jobs Lori and I are very busy and haven't had the time to do posts BUT in a few short weeks I will be done with school so I can dedicate some time to writing again. Looking forward to telling you all what has been on our minds the past couple of months.
Will post again soon,
Married Marathoners
Two runners sharing their stories of running, marriage, and whatever else they encounter along the way!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
It's been awhile!
So we fell off the bandwagon already.
Lori speaking: Hi again, miss me? Clearly I haven’t been around for a while,
but life gets busy!
I think you last heard from me over a month ago, soon before
we ran our half marathon the end of October.
The good news is that we made it!
We finished our half marathon in 2:17:58 – we’ll take it! We ran the entire half marathon, minus a
couple of walking breaks at water stations.
I have an uncanny ability to make a running event feel like a swimming
event by accidentally pouring water up my nose when I try to run through water
We ended the half marathon feeling sore but otherwise good. Logan was able to run without foot pain (well, besides what is probably normal given he ran 13.1 miles) which made us very excited.
Since then we have kept up our running. I haven't ran more than 5 miles since the half marathon in an attempt to allow some pesky shin splints to fully heal before we begin training again in February. I hope to start picking up some bigger miles before training begins, but with the holiday season approaching it may be difficult to stick by that statement.
Winter running is in full swing now! I am a huge chicken when it comes to running outside in the cold but only because I am nervous about running on ice. The cold itself feels great so far - although I have yet to experience any running under 20 degrees so that may change.
Even though we have been neglecting you for a while, I have some posts for you guys in the works. At least one of which will be spent talking about kicks!
While Logan had to give up his FiveFingers shoes before the half marathon due to his foot injury, I ran the whole thing in mine. I love my FiveFingers and still plan to do a lot of my shorter training runs in them, however, I have also started doing a lot of running in Brooks PureConnect since the half marathon. So in the near future I hope to give you guys a little more insight into why I am switching things up and how I feel about the new shoes.
Question of the day: Do you have any questions for us since we fell off the planet in October?
Friday, October 4, 2013
The Beginning of the End
The title sounds so ominous. Dun dun dun!
Lori speaking! We are just over two weeks away from the half marathon. These past few weeks have been the peak of my training. I say "my" training instead of "our" training because Logan is still not able to run very far on his injured foot. My long runs have been pretty lonely and boring without him! But he has been keeping up on his cardio (elliptical is his new friend) and still hopes to be able to run the half marathon, although he may have to take it slower than he would have liked. We will keep you posted!
My last really long run before the half marathon will be Sunday. I plan to run at least 10 miles, which is what I ran last week, and possibly run as far as 12 miles depending on how I'm feeling at the time. After that last really long run, I get to start my "taper" for the race! For those of you who are not aware, the taper occurs the couple of weeks before a race and involves a big reduction in the amount of running you do so your body can recover and be in tip-top running shape for the race.
I am looking forward to the taper. In fact, confession time, I have taken it a little easier this week than I have past weeks and have justified it by saying "Well, I am ALMOST tapering." I guess I am just tapering for my taper.
It is crazy to think that all of the hard training that intimidated me only a couple of months ago is now almost over! I ran 10 miles, and that isn't so far away from the 13 I will be doing soon. Trust me when I say that I am not a natural runner. My roommates in my first year at grad school (shout-out to Karen and Jenny!) would go out for runs and I would sometimes join them...and usually feel like dying at the end. Karen would tease that I needed one of those "Running Sucks" shirts to wear because of how much I hated running at the time. My roommates motivated my first running goal of making it through two miles of running without stopping. I had the same mentality then that I do now when I set out for my long runs - it doesn't matter how slow I go, I am going to make it X many miles.
Now that it is the beginning of the end I am getting a little nostalgic and thinking about the beginning of the beginning.
Question of today: What have you improved on in your life during the past six months?
Lori speaking! We are just over two weeks away from the half marathon. These past few weeks have been the peak of my training. I say "my" training instead of "our" training because Logan is still not able to run very far on his injured foot. My long runs have been pretty lonely and boring without him! But he has been keeping up on his cardio (elliptical is his new friend) and still hopes to be able to run the half marathon, although he may have to take it slower than he would have liked. We will keep you posted!
My last really long run before the half marathon will be Sunday. I plan to run at least 10 miles, which is what I ran last week, and possibly run as far as 12 miles depending on how I'm feeling at the time. After that last really long run, I get to start my "taper" for the race! For those of you who are not aware, the taper occurs the couple of weeks before a race and involves a big reduction in the amount of running you do so your body can recover and be in tip-top running shape for the race.
I am looking forward to the taper. In fact, confession time, I have taken it a little easier this week than I have past weeks and have justified it by saying "Well, I am ALMOST tapering." I guess I am just tapering for my taper.
That's legit, right?
It is crazy to think that all of the hard training that intimidated me only a couple of months ago is now almost over! I ran 10 miles, and that isn't so far away from the 13 I will be doing soon. Trust me when I say that I am not a natural runner. My roommates in my first year at grad school (shout-out to Karen and Jenny!) would go out for runs and I would sometimes join them...and usually feel like dying at the end. Karen would tease that I needed one of those "Running Sucks" shirts to wear because of how much I hated running at the time. My roommates motivated my first running goal of making it through two miles of running without stopping. I had the same mentality then that I do now when I set out for my long runs - it doesn't matter how slow I go, I am going to make it X many miles.
Now that it is the beginning of the end I am getting a little nostalgic and thinking about the beginning of the beginning.
For those of you who need a little motivation check out this video.
Question of today: What have you improved on in your life during the past six months?
Monday, September 30, 2013
Running Scared!
Even though Lori and I haven’t run a race in a while I
thought I’d do a recap of one that we both found to be a ton of fun! Running
scared was a 5k that we ran on June 22nd. The
race wasn’t a regular 5k we not only had to run the 5k but we had to avoid
We started our day out with the most amazing race fuel you
can get in Iowa TASTY TACOS!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m guessing most of our readers
outside of Iowa have yet to have a chance to have Tasty Tacos but take my word
for it they are amazing! Truthfully, I ate one too many tacos, need to learn to
pace myself before we head to a race.
After eating we headed towards the golf course where the
race was being held. Since we arrived super early Lori and I decided to play a
round of mini golf to kill some of the extra time. When you start sweating
while playing mini golf you know the run is going to a bit rough!
In this race we were given two flags that represented our
health. Along the course there were zombies randomly placed that were out to
‘kill’ us (removing our flags). We started off with the other 200ish runners and after finding our 'corral' we were off! Making our way into the woods after the second corner we ran into our first
horde of zombies!
So, this is the one thing I didn’t actually like about this
race. Most of the race was held on a 4 foot wide path through the woods, which
was nice except when you ran into the zombies you had nowhere to run. So, we
would run into 4-10 zombies and without fail you would lose at least one flag
every single time, because it was less running from zombies and more
trying/praying there was enough other people running by with you that the
zombies were distracted.

About half way through the race Lori and I were both the
running dead. Luckily we found some antidotes a little further down the trail
and were back to our healthy running selves. We continued towards the finish
with only a handful of zombies left in our path.
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This fellow picked Lori out of a large group and killed her, even after she fell on the ground! Zombies have no mercy. |
We quickly got over not surviving, and moved on to grab our free beer after the race! That’s an appropriate recovery drink right? Overall we had a blast and look forward to doing it again next year!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Running Changed My Mind About Fall
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Zombie Run 5k (90 degrees & humid) |
I have never liked fall, but not because I have a problem with fall itself. I always hated that it was a sign that winter is coming (Game of Thrones, anyone?). This year I find myself looking forward to fall for the first time and I believe it is 100% because we are running.
Prior to running, I was perfectly content to be outside in 85 degree heat with humidity. I liked feeling like I was wrapped in a warm blanket whenever I was outside. Surprisingly, however, running when you feel like you are wrapped in
Glow Run 5k (cool weather) |
Just don't remind me that winter is coming.
Question of the day:
What do you love about fall?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Logan on Being Injured

So, I contemplated even sharing this on here or not, but I believe I should share the good, the bad and the ugly of running.
This past week I have had some really awesome highs and some pretty bummer lows. I ran on last Sunday by myself because unfortunately my lovely wife was sick. So, I geared up and went out into the big scary world alone.
After a brief warm up walk and making sure my watch had gps signal I took off on my first nine mile run! Had a great run, listened to my new favorite podcast (thank you Lori for finding it for us) and rocked out all nine miles at a 9:30/min pace. The weather had finally just started turning into fall and temperatures were finally no longer in the 90's.
A little bit that night I felt a small twinge in my foot but nothing out of the ordinary.You learn the more you run, you will always have something that feels weird or off. It is just the normal aches and pains of working out. You learn to friend these pains, it is a reminder of what you did, of what you accomplished, so you wear them as battle scars triumphant after your victory. The next day they subsided and I was back to feeling like my normal self.
On Tuesday last week, I ran with my co-workers on our lunch break. In the future I'm sure I will give a full blog post on what it is like to run with them, for now all you need to know is that they are amazingly fit and fast runners. Again this was a beautiful day for running mid 60's and a slight breeze. We took off fast out of the gate and never slowed down. We ran 5 miles at 8:20/min pace. I've never ran this fast for that long in my entire life.
Unfortunately at around the four and a half mile mark I felt a twinge in my foot. I was so close to the end and so happy with my run I didn't want to ruin it by slowing down or stopping then so I finished it out. By the end of the run I could feel a decent sting on the top of my foot. From reading multiple articles and blogs I had a very real fear that I may have given myself a stress fracture.
For the past 7 days I have been self diagnosing and worrying about my foot but I can now walk normally without pain and can only slightly feel it when I try to jog. Here is to hoping it isn't a stress fracture and I will be back to running soon!
It has been very hard to not be able to go for a run this week. I've had a few bouts of what I can only imagine is depression. I was talking to Lori saying its like my brain is a little man trudging uphill in mud up to his waist. I've found myself longing for the hypnotic plodding noise as your feet hit the pavement. I will continue to rest until I feel like my foot is fully healed and I can run without creating further injury.
This is my life right now. Replacing running with beer is a good substitute right???
Question of the day: Have you ever been injured? How so?
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Hello World from Lori
Hi everyone (or maybe just “Hi, Mom” at this point). This blogging thing is obviously very new to me, and I was/still am apprehensive about this whole process. While I had given serious thought to writing a blog, I am not sure I would have ever been brave enough to do it without a little big push from Logan. So be nice to me or I will go hide under a blanket.
As Logan said, we are new to running and have only ever done a significant amount of running in Vibram FiveFingers shoes. I already have a post in the works discussing minimalist running, so look forward to that!
We are getting into the final weeks of our half marathon
training, which has been a fun adventure.
Today I have a 9 mile run on my plan.
I have missed my last two long runs because of illness/minor injury so
we will see how it goes! Luckily I haven’t
had to miss any short (5 mile) runs so I am not too worried about it.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
You will be hearing from me again soon.
What are you up to on this beautiful day?
What are you up to on this beautiful day?
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